REACT's Latest Deployment to Ukraine: Delivering Lifesaving Incident Management Training

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Posted by Laura Butlin 20th May 2024 News

Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to ravage communities and displace millions, the need for effective emergency response and trauma care has never been greater. In response, REACT's dedicated teams returned to Ukraine to provide more Incident Management Training to those living and working near the contact line. This most recent deployment saw another 114 individuals trained, meaning that REACT has been able to share vital medical skills with over 300 people since November 2023.

Training Under Fire:

This third round of lifesaving training once again focussed on trauma medicine. The training aimed to equip attendees with essential skills such as dealing with head injuries, managing massive haemorrhages, and preventing hypothermia. This critical knowledge has been imparted to members of Ukrainian Civil Society Organisations, first responders, and families who are often the first on the scene when disaster strikes.

The areas visited in this latest round of training included Konotop, Sumy, and Povrovsk. These regions are perilously close to the contact line, where the threat of shelling and violence is a daily reality. The resilience and determination of these communities to learn and prepare amidst such adversity are both humbling and inspiring.

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The team delivered training in locations including Konotop, in the Sumy region, which has been subject to recent missile attacks

The Urgency and Relevance of Training:

The deployment was not without its challenges. Responder Andy Bolt shared his experiences, highlighting the arduous journey into Ukraine. "The conflict means that we have to fly into Poland and then spend several days travelling eastwards in a combination of trains and cars, negotiating curfews and air attack alarms on the way," he recounted. 

Andy also described the diverse group of trainees they encountered, ranging from surgeons to teachers and administrators. "These individuals, driven by a desperate need for knowledge, engaged actively with the training, ensuring they mastered wound dressing techniques and casualty care. The urgency and relevance of the training were underscored by the graphic videos of traumatic injuries shared by some participants, illustrating the real-life scenarios they face daily."

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Paul delivering training to a group in Lviv

Recognising Dedication and Impact:

In a heartfelt show of gratitude, Mariana Kashchak, CEO of long-term partner Ukrainian Education Platform (UEP), presented Paul Taylor, REACT International Operations Manager, with a certificate of appreciation. Kashchak expressed deep thanks, saying, "You came to Ukraine when everyone else left. You believe in Ukraine and our survival. You help us to stay and support our communities. We thank you."

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Team REACT with long standing partners Ukrainian Education Platform (UEP)

Looking Ahead:

As REACT continues its vital work in Ukraine, the need for support remains urgent. Donations help sustain their ongoing response efforts in Ukraine and prepare them to respond to future disasters globally. These contributions support training, resourcing, and equipping responders to save lives and build resilience in the most challenging environments.

In conclusion, REACT's latest deployment to Ukraine exemplifies its unwavering commitment to helping those most in need and hardest to reach. Through their lifesaving training programs, they are making a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals living in the shadow of conflict. As the situation in Ukraine evolves, the continued support and efforts of organisations like REACT remain indispensable in fostering resilience and hope amidst the chaos.

To find out more about our recent deployments to Ukraine, please click here.