Our Impact

For every £1 donated to REACT in 2022/2023, 80p was used to fund our humanitarian work. 

This includes assisting communities affected by disasters in the UK and internationally, resilience-building work with at-risk communities, and training our volunteer Responders so they’re ready to react at a moment’s notice. The remaining 20p helps us to raise the next pound.

In 2021/22, thanks to our generous supporters, we trained 153 skilled Responders, ready to take humanitarian action at a moment’s notice. Our teams deployed in response to 45 incidents and supported 361,270 vulnerable people in affected communities. We will be sharing our achievements over the last year with you in the coming weeks.

We don’t include our trading activities in this calculation, as our commercial subsidiary operates like other businesses, raising funds by generating profit from service contracts. Keeping these figures separate allows our donors to see the true impact of their donation.

Your continued support ensures that we can provide rapid humanitarian action to the most vulnerable and hardest to reach. Thank you.


Your support makes a huge difference.